Kamis, 17 September 2015

Cara Membuat gambar RGB ke HSI

Dalam dunia penglahan citra digital, kiuta mengenal Gambar tipe RGB dan gambar tipe HSI. Dalam Mata Kuliah Pengolahan Citra Digital, saya menggunakan mathlab untuk mengganti gambar dari tipe RGB ke tipe HSI. Cooding yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut

function hsi = rgb2hsi(rgb)
%RGB2HSI Converts an RGB image to HSI.
%   HSI = RGB2HSI(RGB) converts an RGB image to HSI. The input image
%   is assumed to be of size M-by-N-by-3, where the third dimension
%   accounts for three image planes: red, green, and blue, in that
%   order. If all RGB component images are equal, the HSI conversion
%   is undefined. The input image can be of class double (with values
%   in the range [0, 1]), uint8, or uint16. 
%   The output image, HSI, is of class double, where:
%     hsi(:, :, 1) = hue image normalized to the range [0, 1] by
%                    dividing all angle values by 2*pi. 
%     hsi(:, :, 2) = saturation image, in the range [0, 1].
%     hsi(:, :, 3) = intensity image, in the range [0, 1].

%   Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins
%   Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004
%   $Revision: 1.5 $  $Date: 2005/01/18 13:44:59 $

% Extract the individual component images.
rgb = im2double(rgb);
r = rgb(:, :, 1);
g = rgb(:, :, 2);
b = rgb(:, :, 3);

% Implement the conversion equations.
num = 0.5*((r - g) + (r - b));
den = sqrt((r - g).^2 + (r - b).*(g - b));
theta = acos(num./(den + eps));

H = theta;
H(b > g) = 2*pi - H(b > g);
H = H/(2*pi);

num = min(min(r, g), b);
den = r + g + b;
den(den == 0) = eps;
S = 1 - 3.* num./den;

H(S == 0) = 0;

I = (r + g + b)/3;

% Combine all three results into an hsi image.
hsi = cat(3, H, S, I);

atau kalian bisa mengakses di sini

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